

“Apito de Mestre” Promotional Video

12 de June de 2016 by Rafael Pizzo

Rafael Pizzo Art Direction for Motion graphics

This past months I worked with the animator Bruna de Paula for a Promotional Video in Motion Graphics. The entertainment company who hired us is specialized in Brazilian Samba for parties and events. We had to create a video to show their services and the qualities of a pro company.

As usual, I was in charge of Art Direction, Layout and Illustrations. My partner Bruna de Paula was in charge of animating all objects and to build the composition. Our final work can be seen below.


The video is divided in two moments. The lame party and some bored guests are mainly painted in shades of blue. As the samba group comes in, everything gradually becomes orange. Just pay attention to the hotdog guy in the video (laughs).


Rafael Pizzo Art Direction for Motion graphics