

Rafael Pizzo - The Anime Design アニメのデザイン

I am finally graduating at Federal University of Pelotas in Brazil. After spending some time studying and researching at University of Tsukuba in Japan, I returned to home in order to complete my monograph called "The Anime Design". Within the academic field of research in Design, I spent almost 2 years organizing a lot of information about design methodology and techniques. But the most important of all in this work is to analyze the anime aesthetics: how the japanese animation use the visual composition in layers to simulate depth. It was very challenging, since there are so many differences between Japan's design thinking and our reality in Brazil. The book ended up with around 130 pages. I'm officially exhausted.

As my practical project, I applied everything I've learned so far about many aspects in anime, in order to create a short teaser for a major short-film we are currently working.

I can't really explain much details further, but I can share at least some screenshots. Below the comparison between the first cut-layout designed and the finalized shot.


Rafael Pizzo Anime Design アニメのデザイン
Rafael Pizzo Anime Design アニメのデザイン

My intention was to first approach the anime aesthetics, but I still have much to improve.


Rafael Pizzo Anime Design アニメのデザイン
Rafael Pizzo Anime Design アニメのデザイン